Le risque d'avalanche est élevé en montagne en principalement dans le sud des Alpes. Les récentes chutes de neige et les vents forts déstabilisent le manteau neigeux et accroissent le risque de coulée de neige. Le drapeau jaune et noir déconseille la pratique des sports de glisse en dehors de pistes en ce moment. Soyez prudents ! Ci-dessous, l'échelle européenne des risques.
If ever you are used to enjoy snow in the mountains, you know what this flag means. Today, the avalanche risk is high in the south of the French Alps. Recent snow and winds made the snowpack weakly and very unsettled. Be careful!
European Avalanche hazard scale
European risk scale |
Snowpack |
Avalanche probability |
1- Low
The snowpack is generally well bonded and stable. |
Triggering is generally possible only with high additional loads [2] and few very steep extreme slopes. Only a few small natural avalanches (sluffs) possible. |
2- Moderate
The snowpack is moderately well bonded on some steep slopes[. |
Triggering possible with high additional loads [2] , particularly on the steep slopes indicated in the bulletin. Large natural avalanches not likely. |
3 Considerable |
The snowpack is weakly bonded in most steep slopes. |
Triggering possible, sometimes even with low additional loads [2] . The bulletin indicate many slopes which are particularly affected. |
4- High
The snowpack is weakly bonded in most steep slopes [1] . |
Triggering probable even with low additional loads [2] on many steep slopes. In some conditions, freqent medium or largr-sized natural avalanches are likely. |
5- Very high
The snowpack is weakly bonded and largely unstable. |
Numerous large natural avalanches are likely, even in moderately steep terrain. |